Monday, 30 March 2015

REVIEW: 'The Ship'

I love being a PC gamer. I have a machine that’s able to play games from both the past and present – unlike consoles which systematically try to erase its history so they can poorly recycle ideas from ten years go. For example: the Assassin’s Creed Multiplayer, whilst solid, is basically The Ship but without the cartoonish charm. 

Monday, 23 March 2015

RETROSPECTIVE: 'System Shock 2'

Once again, the PC Gamer smugness strikes again. The kids these days rave about how Bioshock is a deep, absorbing narrative experience unlike any other. Which confuses me because System Shock 2 is the exact same game only deeper, more absorbing and in space. 

Monday, 16 March 2015

REVIEW: 'Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number'

At last! With all the controversy Hotline Miami 2's demo created, and with the game being pseudo-banned in Australia, you'd think this would be a retro-review by now. I actually had to go back and discuss the first instalment just so I didn't drop dead from boredom waiting for its sequel. Yet here it is: my most anticipated game of 2015. No pressure guys....

Monday, 9 March 2015


You might recognise this game. Similar to how every moviegoer has probably heard of The Seventh Seal, yet never seen it – every gamer has probably spied Deus Ex on a list of ‘Greatest Games Of All Time’ yet has either never played it or has attempted to play it before giving up forever. And I weep for those people. 

Monday, 2 March 2015

REVIEW: 'Gone Home'

Gone Home was released two years ago, and garnered a surprisingly large buzz around it thanks to its nostalgia for the utter horror that was the 90’s and its surprisingly touching love story. It also drew a sizeable backlash thanks to its gameplay and its surprisingly touching love story. I picked the game up a few months ago, and whilst waiting for Hotline Miami 2 to finally come out – now seems a good time to dive into a very different indie darling.